Raipur, (thestates.news) Former chief minister of Chhattisgarh and Janta Congress supremo Ajit Jogi passed away during treatment here on Friday. He was 74. Jogi was admitted to Narayana Hospital in the capital on May 9 after he suffered a heart attack. He was eating tamarind while moving on his wheelchair on his residential premises on May 9. In the meantime, a tamarind seed entered into his respiratory tract causing heart attack.
Since his admission in the hospital he was in a state of coma. Doctors tried to activate his brain but he once again suffered heart attack on May 27. Doctors performed Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) procedure in their relentless effort to restore his heart function but his condition continued to deteriorate.
Within next 48 hours Jogi again suffered heart attack. Although doctors tried all their best to save him, it was in vain. The former chief minister eventually breathed his last. Jogi was member of Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly from Marwahi seat. He is survived by wife Dr Renu Jogi, son Amit Jogi and daughter-in-law Aishwarya Jogi. His wife Dr Renu Jogi is MLA from Kota seat.
His son Amit Jogi informed about the demise by posting a tweet and said that his last rites would be performed at his birthplace Gourela tomorrow. uni (mediasaheb.com) (thestates.news) |