Mumbai,( : CM Eknath Shinde said that the loudspeaker in the morning was switched off, which has brought relief to the people. The Chief Minister said that Sanjay Raut would put his point before the ED and before the court, which would come before the public. While Shiv Sena secretary and MP Vinayak Raut have termed the Enforcement Directorate (ED) action as politically motivated. He said that Sanjay Raut was arrested by the ED to eliminate Shiv Sena at the behest of the BJP. He said that the entire party is with Sanjay Raut and the fight against injustice will continue.
MLA Sunil Raut told reporters on Monday that Sanjay Raut has been arrested by the ED on the basis of false documents. Sanjay Raut was overshadowing the BJP. The ED was investigating the Patra Chawl case, it is not mentioned anywhere in the ED’s memo. Sunil Raut said that Rs 11.50 lakh found in the house when Eknath Shinde and Sanjay Raut went to Ayodhya is their money. Also, a loan of Rs 55 lakh was taken to get a house. Sanjay Raut is nowhere wrong, all this has been done to weaken Shiv Sena and Uddhav Thackeray. We will take legal action, ED will do its job and we will do ours.Rebel MLA of CM Shinde group Sanjay Shirsat said that Shiv Sena is broken because of Sanjay Raut. That is why we are not happy with the arrest of Sanjay Raut, but we are definitely happy. Shinde Group spokesperson Deepak Kesarkar said that the ED does not register cases against anyone unintentionally. Something will happen, Sanjay Raut should say his point in the court now. The court will listen to them.
BJP leader and former minister Girish Mahajan said that the ED was repeatedly calling Sanjay Raut for questioning. If Sanjay Raut was truthful, why was he running away from action? That is why ED has arrested Sanjay Raut. The Nationalist Congress Party and Congress have opposed the arrest of Sanjay Raut. Demonstrations will be held at many places on behalf of the Nationalist Congress Party today against the arrest of Sanjay Raut.(H.S.)