
Nepal’s Lower House okays new map with three Indian territories

Kathmandu, (thestates.news) Nepal Parliament’s Lower House on Saturday unanimously passed Constitution (Amendment) Bill to update country’s map with three Indian territories–Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh and Kalapani.
Nepal’s Opposition parties, including Nepali Congress (NC), Rastriya Janata Party-Nepal (RJP-N) and Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP), also voted in favour of the Bill.
Speaker Agni Sapkota announced that the bill has been passed with more than 2/3rd majority of 258 lawmakers, who were present in the House for voting.
The bill now needs to be endorsed by the National Assembly and authenticated by the president before it comes into effect.
Earlier, Nepal Cabinet had on May 20 issued a new administrative map which incorporated three Indian territories.
The development comes just one day after, Nepal Armed Police Force (NAPF) killed one Indian national and injured two others while another was detained along the border in Sitamarhi district in Bihar.uni