Raipur (thestates.news) |According to the information compiled by the State Level Control Room set up by the State Government’s Revenue and Disaster Management Department, the state has recorded an average rainfall of 617.6 mm since June 1, 2023. As per the rainfall recorded in various districts of the state from June 1, 2023 to today, August 7, morning, the highest average rainfall of 1067.5 mm was recorded in Bijapur district and the lowest average rainfall of 290.1 mm in Surguja district. According to the information received from the state-level flood control room, since June 1, an average rainfall of 556.9 mm was recorded in Surajpur district, 504.6 mm in Balrampur, 491.2 mm in Jashpur, 604.2 mm in Koriya, and 628.9 mm in Manendragarh-Chirmiri-Bharatpur.