Raipur (thestates.news) | Kalinga University, Incubation center in collaboration with IEEE Student branch
has successfully developed and exhibited four innovative projects on 30 th June, 2022 and the event was inaugurated by Dr. R. Shridhar, Vice Chancellor and Dr. Sandeep Gandhi, Registrar of Kalinga University.
The projects were developed by Students of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering under the Guidance of Dr. Vijayalaxmi Biradar, Incharge IQAC, Kalinga University.
The projects exhibited were
1. Smart Kalinga University Campus model
2. Smart Garbage Monitoring system
3. Bluetooth Controlled Robot
4. Smart Irrigation System
Dr. R. Shridhar, Vice Chancellor appreciated all the students for their excellent
work and encouraged them to extend these projects and bring in product form in
the market. The University has decided to reimburse the amount which was spent
by students in developing Smart Kalinga University Campus model and it will be
kept for display. Remaining projects will be extended and implemented in Kalinga
University campus. He also has advised students to file these ideas for Patent.
The students received a very encouraging feedback and appreciation from all
faculty members of Kalinga University.