
Farooq Abdullah not to contest coming LS poll

Srinagar, (| Veteran politician and sitting Member Parliament from Srinagar Farooq Abdullah would not contest Lok Sabha election because of health issues. The announcement was made by his son Omar Abdullah, also National Conference vice-president, during a party function on the outskirts of Srinagar.

Omar said the NC president has taken permission from party’s general secretary Ali Mohammad Sagar and other party members that he would not contest the polls this time because of his health.
“Now it is our responsibility that we have to nominate the best candidate for Srinagar parliamentary seat with the hope that the voters would help him succeed so that he becomes a voice of the people in Delhi,” Omar told workers during the party function.
87-year-old Abdullah began his electoral politics in 1980 when he was elected to the Lok Sabha unopposed. And since that election, he had been part of almost every electoral process. (UNI)