
Honour and Respect for women defines our culture and civilization: CM Mr. Baghel

  •  27th Episode of Lokvaani (Aap ki Baat- Mukhyamantri Shri Bhupesh Baghel Ke Sath) aired today
  •  Chief Minister spoke on the topic ‘Chhattisgarh Sarkar-Nari Shakti Ke Sarokaar’
  •  We are building ‘Nava Chhattisgarh’ by honouring and strengthening our cultural traditions and heritage
  •  Chhattisgarh secured first rank in year 2020-21 for gender equality
  •  Plethora of opportunities have unleashed for women in every sector, right from government jobs to self-employment, in rural areas as well as in cities
  •  Chhattisgarh Mahila Kosh: Till date 39 thousand groups have been provided loans of more than Rs 9500 crore
  •  Kaushalya Matritva Yojana: Rs 5000 to be provided on birth of second daughter
  • Women Helpline: Toll Free Number 181 being operated
  •  30% reservation for women for recruitment on government posts
  •  Facility of free education till post-graduation for daughters in Chhattisgarh

In the 27th episode of radio programme ‘Lokvaani’ aired from Akashvani today, Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel addressed people of the state on ‘Chhattisgarh Sarkar- Naari Shakti Ke Sarokaar’, saying that respect and honour for women is what defines our culture and civilization. Cultured society is the one that respects women. In Chhattisgarh, we are living up to our cultural value of honouring women and giving them the respect they deserve. This is the reason why women and daughters in the state are pursuing greater goals with confidence and determination.

Chief Minister Mr. Baghel said that we consider formation of Chhattisgarh state a historic event. Our forefathers had a wholesome vision for this state. For centuries, Chhattisgarh has been a folk state. People of this state are known for their traditions, festivals, vibrant colourful culture, love for nature, simplicity and love for motherland.  Fortunately, we got the opportunity to select an appropriate state song that beautifully describes these qualities of the state and people here. ‘Arpa Pairi Ke Dhaar, Mahanadi He Apaar, Indravato Ha Pakharay Tor Paiya’ written by Acharya Dr Narendra Dev Verma is the perfect tribute to Chhattisgarh Mahatari and it perfectly describes the devotion with which we want to serve Chhattisgarh state.

Chief Minister Mr. Baghel said that because of our forefathers we have got a constitution that gives equal rights to women. Percentage of women members in Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly is higher than any other Legislative Assembly in the country. There is a provision of 50% reservation in the elections of Panchayati Raj institutions. Women here have equal legal rights to own and control land, property and assets. 

Chief Minister said that we have made several  policy arrangements in the interest of women, which includes rights on immovable property. As a result of the provision of 1% exemption on stamp duty on registry of immovable property in the name of women, more than 50 thousand registries have been done in a year and exemption of more than Rs 37 crore has been provided. Facility of 30 percent reservation for recruitment on government posts has also been provided to women. In women’s hostels and ashrams, 2 thousand 200 new posts of women’s home guards have been created. Women help desks are being operated in 370 police stations of the state. Women’s helpline 181 is being operated, by calling on which any women from any corner of the state can seek help in case of any problem.

Chief Minister Mr. Baghel said that we are planning to constitute women’s security cell in every district to ensure a safe and secured environment for every women and girl in the state. Under District Mineral Trust Fund Board, fifty percent of the Gram Sabha members are women. New girls colleges have been opened in 9 districts, in our bid to ensure at least one girls college in each district. As a result of these efforts, the number of girls in government colleges has significantly increased, almost 1.5 times of the number of boys. These unprecedented efforts of Chhattisgarh have also been appreciated by NITI Aayog and Chhattisgarh has been ranked first for gender equality in the India-Index report for the year 2020-21.