Raipur (thestates.news) | Kalinga University entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 24th of July 2024 (Wednesday) with Bhakt Mata Karma College, Samoda, Raipur to promote and enhance academic interest. The agreement will mark the beginning of a formal partnership aimed at fostering academic cooperation between the two institutions.

The MoU was signed by Dr. Nisha Dubey, Principal of Bhakt Mata Karma College and Dr. Sandeep Gandhi, Registrar, Kalinga University in the presence of Dr. Mukta Malhotra, Assistant Professor – Commerce, Ku Dhaneshwaree Kosle, Assistant Professor – Political Science from Bhakt Mata Karma College and Dr. Shinki K. Pandey, HoD of Faculty of Commerce & Management, Dr. Deepti Patnaik, Assistant Professor Faculty of Commerce & Management, Dr. Shilpi Bhattacharya, Dean Arts and Humanities and Dr. Deepa Biswas, HoD, Department of Botany, from Kalinga University.
The primary objective of this MoU is to promote mutual understanding and collaboration in academic and educational activities. The MoU outlines the establishment of exchange programs to facilitate the mobility of students and faculty members between the two institutions. This initiative aims to broaden academic perspectives and provide diverse learning opportunities. Kalinga University and Bhakt Mata Karma College will collaborate on research projects in various fields of mutual interest. The partnership seeks to leverage each institution’s strengths to produce impactful research outcomes.
Kalinga University is a reputed educational institution in Central India. For providing innovation and quality education, the university has been granted B+recognition by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). It is the only private university in Chhattisgarh, which is included in the NIRF Ranking in the year 2022 and 2023 in the band of top 101-150 Universities. The students are trained through high-quality multidisciplinary research-focused education and skill development programs to inculcate innovation in the students as per the global benchmarks to develop a sense of responsible citizens with the development of leadership power.