
Once upon a time, the hands of Vijay were filled with blisters, now the same hands hold a pen

Jobs given to about 800 youths of the state  belonging to special backward tribes         

Raipur (| The state government of Chhattisgarh has implemented a revolutionary scheme to provide direct appointments to eligible educated youths from special backward tribes. This scheme has transformed the lives of numerous individuals belonging to these communities.

Vijay Kumar, a member of the Kamar special backward tribe, used to work as a laborer and struggle to make ends meet with a meager salary of Rs. 5 to 6 thousand per month. However, his life changed completely within a year, thanks to the state government scheme. Today, instead of an ax and spade, he holds a pen in his hands and works as an Assistant Grade-3 in the Tribal Department, earning a monthly salary of Rs. 17,000. With this opportunity, Vijay completed his Master’s degree and no longer has to work as a laborer to support his family.