
Raipur : Mahila Samriddhi Sammelan : Mrs. Priyanka Gandhi’s Address

Mrs. Priyanka Gandhi started her speech by saying, “Door-Door se Dai Didi Bahini Man la Johar!” and hailing Bamleshwari Mata and Chhattisgarh Mahtari.

Mrs. Gandhi said that she has played traditional games like Pitthul, Gilli Danda, and Marbles in her childhood.

Chhattisgarh has laid the foundation of modern India. The people of the state have displayed exemplary hard work, dedication, and spirit.

Chhattisgarh symbolises the nation’s dream of entrepreneurship and self-reliance.

What Bhilai represents today serves as an exemplary model for our entire nation. People from across the country come here. You all live here together in unity. The foundation of modern India was laid right here.

This stands as a testament to your hard work and unwavering dedication. It is a symbol of our nation’s entrepreneurship. Standing before you at this women’s gathering fills me with even greater pride because before coming on the stage, I had the opportunity to visit each stall.

I have seen self-reliant women radiating immense self-confidence, and they wore smiles that conveyed the government’s positive impact on their lives. They are now standing firmly on their own feet. I asked many women what they were doing before this, and they mentioned that they had only recently received such opportunities.

One was a young doctor who travels from village to village distributing medicines. There were also some young girls who made cow dung-based materials and are a part of self-help groups. It’s remarkable how much progress can be achieved by joining such groups. Listening to their stories, I realized that ‘Chhattisgarh Mahtari’ is carrying the cultural heritage on one hand and technology on the other.

We take immense pride in Bhilai, and the work accomplished here is truly unique.

Alongside Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, there were other great leaders who fought for our independence. This nation was built upon their principles.

I once accompanied my father on a tour to Amethi. He personally drove the jeep. When we arrived in a village and began interacting with the local people, a woman began loudly expressing her dissatisfaction. I was taken aback by how she was scolding my father. She was complaining about the poor condition of the road and questioned what he had done to improve it. This was the politics of that era when even the Prime Minister felt a direct responsibility to the public. I asked my father if he was upset by her words, but he replied, ‘No, it was her responsibility, and it was both his and our duty to diligently perform our work.’

*All the schemes being implemented for women, were formulated with the belief that women are the backbone of this country. They are the key factor for development and well-being of their family as well as the society.

*Chief Minister himself had underlined the fact that women are skillfully living up to the responsibility of both the families. I know that the ones who sleep last at night are women. Women build the future of our next generation.

*Bhupesh Baghel ji’s government is implementing several important schemes with an aim to empower each one of you. More than 10 lakh women have joined the self-help groups. They have started enterprises, playing an active role in the economic development of the state.

*Today I met the members of many such women self-help groups. They told me about the groups earning lakhs of rupees through their enterprises. The Government has also increased the honorarium of Mitanins, Anganbadi workers and assistants.

*Through ‘Dai Didi Clinic’ initiative of Chhattisgarh Government, women now have access to free healthcare services. Pregnant women are being provided nutritious food through Mahtari Jatan Yojana. Loans of women self-help groups worth crores of rupees were waived off.

Mukhyamantri Noni Sashaktikaran Sahayta Yojana gave a major boost to the cause of women empowerment.

Thousands of women got employment under the Mission Clean City project. The state government has implemented many such schemes for the well-being and empowerment of our mothers and sisters.

*All of this is happening because Chhattisgarh Government has a vision for you. Chhattisgarh Government is determined to create a better present and future for each one of you.