
Russia, China were open to idea of denuclearization:Donald Trump

Washington, (|Former US President Donald Trump said during an interview with the Full Send podcast that Russia and China were open to the idea of denuclearizing alongside the United States. “We have to get rid of nuclear weapons. One of the things I was going to do and I would have done is the denuclearization of everything, because you have to take them away. Russia would have done it, and China would have done it. I used to talk to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin about it, he loved the idea of doing it,” Trump said on Thursday.
“The world is one madman away from a Third World War,” Trump warned.There are countries in the world that, if forced, would use nuclear weapons, Trump said.The United States is in a vulnerable position due to lack of respect on the world stage following the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, Trump also said.Current challenges related to Ukraine and Taiwan never would have occurred under his administration, Trump assured. (UNI)