Mumbai, ( | The BSE Sensex remained on top on Monday, too, as it opened at 76936.41, a life-time high, surging 242 points following gains in FMCG, health care, and industrial stocks. The National Stock Exchange (NSE) also rose 21 points. at 23319.15. The sensex registered intraday highs and lows at 77079.04 and
76501.46 pts, respectively. The NSE registered days high and low at 23411.90 and 23241.35 pts, respectively.
The midcap rose by 0.43 pc and the small cap by 0.72 pc. In 30 scrips, 13 advanced while 17 declined.
The gainers were Powergrid by 3.44 pc to Rs 320, Ultracemco by 2.08 pc to Rs 10679.35, Axis Bank by 1.87 pc to Rs 1208.90, and NTPC by 1.15 pc to Rs 364.85. The losers were TCS by 0.87 pc to Rs 3858.95, Hind Unilever by 0.80 pc to Rs 2556, M & M by 0.64 pc to Rs 2838.90, and HDFC Bank by 0.62 pc to Rs 1563.45. (UNI)