Mumbai (| The BSE Sensex tanked 608.37 points at 70,946.88 in the opening session as selling was seen across the board. The National Stock Exchange (NSE) was down 156 points to 21,587.25. The Sensex registered intraday highs and lows at 71,038.92 and 70,809.44 points, respectively.
The Nifty registered intraday highs and lows at 21,600.65 and 21,530.20 points, respectively.
The midcap fell by 0.42 pc and the smallcap by 0.02 pc. In 30 scrips, 5 advanced, 24 declined, and one remained unchanged. The losers were Infosys by 2.39 PCs to Rs 1645.80, Wipro by 2.35 PCs to Rs 500.10, Tech Mahindra by 2.29 PCs to Rs 1298.85, and HDFC Bank by 1.84 PCs to Rs 1368.40.
The gainers were Axis Bank by 0.48 pc to Rs 1076, M & M by 0.34 pc to Rs 1652.75, Maruti Suzuki by 0.29 pc to Rs 10,822.70, and ITC by 0.28 pc to Rs 407.75. (UNI)