
Under the Chief Minister’s ‘Graam Gauravpath Yojana’,Rural roads are being paved for better transport connectivity

Raipur ( | To provide better road connectivity for the rural populace living in the remote villages of Chhattisgarh,the state government, under the Mukhyamantri Gram GauravpathYojna has accomplished the construction of  cement and concrete paved roads in numerous villages to improve inter road connectivity and rural living standards.  The objective behind developing connectivity facilities in villages is to avoid the use of mud roads so that there is less dust in the  atmosphere.  Moreover, with cc roads daily commute will become very easy and ambulances will be able to reach the patients resident directly.

Under this scheme, in the village Rakharsota of Manora development block, a CC road-cum-drain from Rakharsota  to PanchayatBhawan has been constructed. Simultaneously,  CC road-cum-drain construction work has been completed from Maytoli to Basti in village Jumekela of Kansabel block.It is noteworthy that from the year 2019-20 to 2021-22, a total of 10 Graam Gauravpath roads have been approved under the scheme. Out of which 7 roads have been completed and a total of 7 colonies with a population of 5167 have been benefitted by the construction of complete roads. In these areas, cement concrete roads and drains have been constructed to reach the village through street corridors and main roads.

Due to the presence of cement concrete roads in the streets and corridors of the villages, the problem of getting mud during the rainy season has now been solved. From the main road till reaching the village residents, the ambulance coming for medical treatment is now able to reach the house directly due to the presence of CC roads. Due to the construction of drains along the roads, there is no accumulation of dirty water in front of the houses. With proper drainage facilities, diseases caused due to stagnation of dirty water will also be avoided.