
Breaking the record of last 20 years, highest quantity of paddy has been procured this year

  • 10 more days remaining for paddy procurement
  • Nearly 84.44 lakh metric tons of paddy procured till date
  • Till date, More than 19 and a half lakh farmers of the state have sold paddy this year

Raipur (the states. news) Breaking the paddy procurement record of last 20 years, Chhattisgarh state has recorded highest quantity of paddy procurement this year. In the ongoing procurement season this year, nearly 84 lakh 44 thousand metric tons of paddy has been procured till January 21, which is 50 thousand metric tons more than the quantity of paddy procured last year. It is noteworthy that nearly 83.94 lakh metric tons of paddy was procured in the season of last year.  Under the leadership of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel, the quantity of paddy procurement as well as the number of farmers and agriculture yield has consistently increased in last two years. As a result of State Government’s pro-farmer policy, Chhattisgarh is emerging as a model state for the country in the agriculture sector. Chhattisgarh Government’s Rajiv Gandhi Kisaan Nyay Yojana has boosted the crop production in the state. In the current fiscal year, State Government has distributed the incentive amount of Rs 5750 crore to 19 lakh farmers of the state under Rajiv Gandhi Kisaan Nyay Yojana. Till date, 19 lakh 54 thousand 332 farmers have sold paddy at support price till date. DO of 27 lakh 70 thousand 693 metric tons of paddy has been issued to the millers for custom milling, against which nearly 25 lakh 45 thousand 512 metric tons of paddy has been transported already. (media