
CM Bhupesh Baghel bids tearful adieu to brave martyr of Chhattisgarh Shri. Ganesh Ram Kunjam by giving shoulder to his mortal remains in the funeral procession

Raipur ( Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel bid tearful adieu to the brave martyr of Chhattisgarh Shaheed Jawan Shri Ganesh Ram Kunjam by placing wreath on his mortal remains, at Swami Vivekananda Airport, Mana of capital city Raipur today. At the airport, Shaheed Shri Kunjam was given Guard of Honour. Chief Minister gave shoulder to the mortal remains of Shaheed Shri Kunjam in the funeral procession. His mortal remains were taken from airport to his native village Gidhali in Kanker via helicopter .

It is known that 20 jawans of Indian Army got martyred in an encounter with chinese army at LOC in Laddakh. Mortal remains of shaheed Shri Kunjam were brought to Raipur via special flight today afternoon.

Chief Minister Mr. Baghel saluted the courage and sacrifice of martyr army personnel in Laddakh and expressed condolences to the family members of the martyrs. Chief Minister said that late Shri Kunjam sacrificed his life for the country. We the people of Chhattisgarh take immense pride on such gems of the state. His martyrdom will not go in vain. We all are standing strong with the country, the army and the army jawans.

Chief Minister announced that the government school in the villalge will be named after Shaheed Shri Ganesh Ram Kunjam. Chief Minister said that one family member of Shaheed Shri Kunjam will be given government job. CM also handed over the grant cheque of Rs 20 lakh to Shri Itwaru Ram Kunjam, father of late Shri Kunjam.

On the occasion, Home Minister Mr. Tamradhwaj Sahu, Agriculture Minister Mr. Ravindra Choubey, Food Minister Mr. Amarjeet Bhagat, Urban Administration Minister Dr Shivkumar Daharia, School Education Minister Dr Premsai Singh Tekaam, Ex-Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh, MLAs- Mr. Satyanarayan Sharma, Mr. Brijmohan Agrawal, Mr. Kuldeep Juneja, and Mr. Vikas Upadhyay, MP Mr. Sunil Soni, Mayor Mr. Ejaz Dhebar,  and other public representatives along with the army personnel and officials, senior police officials and citizens paid tribute to Shaheed Shri Kunjam by placing wreaths on his mortal remains. Later, Shaheed Ram Kunjam’s mortal remains were taken to his native village via helicopter.