New Delhi (| After its spectacular performance in the just concluded Lok Sabha elections, the INDIA Bloc leaders will be holding a crucial meeting here on Wednesday to chalk out strategies post results. In a post on X, Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge said, “The INDIA Janbandhan leaders will be meeting today at 6 pm at 10, Rajaji Marg to discuss the election results and strategy thereafter.”
Alliance leaders have started arriving at the national capital for the meeting. Tuesday, while addressing a press conference senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said that the future strategies, including staking claim to form the government would only be taken up at the meeting of the coalition that contested the elections unitedly and “Congress respects all its alliance partners”.
Rahul Gandhi won from both seats Wayanad (Kerala) and Rae Bareli (Uttar Pradesh) with massive margins.(UNI)