
Election Commission reviews preparedness for Karnataka polls

New Delhi, (| The Election Commission of India on Monday reviewed the preparations for the upcoming assembly elections in Karnataka and directed the state teams to enhance vigilance on the state borders. The meeting was conducted by Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar through video conference with Chief Secretaries, Director Generals of Police, Nodal Police Officers, Nodal Officer CAPF and senior officials from enforcement agencies including Coast Guard, NCB, Income tax, of Karnataka and border states of Goa, Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

During the review meeting, the CEC directed state teams to enhance vigilance on the state borders and emphasized the need for vigil over the 185 Interstate check posts across the six neighbouring states. Meanwhile, ECI has seized over Rs 305 crores till date, as compared to Rs 83 crores in Lok Sabha Election in 2018. CEC has also asked the state administration to fix responsibility for local officers failing to control money power.

He directed Coast Guard and Narcotics Control Bureau officials to keep strict vigil and help curtail the drug menace. CEC also directed officials to keep a strict watch over social media for any violations and fake narratives vitiating the election atmosphere. He urged the officials to raise the bar further on voter turnout, gender, youth and urban electors participation. (UNI)