
For Rs 984 crore, 92 percent of the quantity was sold in the first to fourth tender at the rate of Rs 6375 per standard bag

  • The first tender received 117 bids from throughout the country
  • From March 14 to 17, 2023, online tenders for the fifth cycle were invited    

Raipur (| Tendupatta collection in the state from the first to the fourth of the year 2023, 92 percent of the quantity notified in the tender was sold at an average rate of Rs 6 thousand 375 per standard bag for Rs 984 crore where, online tenders of the fifth cycle were invited from March 14 to March 17, 2023, for the advance sale of the notified quantity of Tendu leaves.

According to the State Minor Forest Produce Association, post-bid sale management software has been developed this year for taking additional action online following the sale of Tendupatta. The purchasers will amend the buyer appointment order, buyer agreement, and other tasks online. As a result, remote buyers can do the work from their location using the software. This year, the Minor Forest Produce Association will take special care of the quality of tendu leaves before collection so that the collectors can collect high-quality tendu leaves, and can get maximum collection remuneration.