
Govt suspends internet services at Singhu, Ghajipur & Tikri borders till Jan 31 night

New Delhi, (the states. news) In view of maintaining public safety and averting public emergency’ amid the ongoing farmers’ protest, the Ministry of Home Affairs on Saturday su

spended the internet services at Singhu, Ghajipur and Tikri borders and their adjoining areas from 2300 hrs of January 29 to January 31 midnight.

In an order issued to the Delhi Police Commissioner by the MHA on Friday, the Ministry said “In exercise of the power conferred under Sub- rule 1 of Rule 2 of the temporary suspension of the telecom services (Public Emergency or Public Safety) rule 2017, and in the interest of the maintaining public safety and averting public emergency, it is necessary and expedient to order the temporary suspension of internet services in the areas of Singhu, Ghazipur and Tikri, and their adjoining areas in the NCT of Delhi from 11 pm on January 29 to 11 pm on January 31”.

Earlier on January 26, the Ministry has also temporarily suspended the internet services when the violence erupted during the farmer’s tractor rally in many parts of the city for 24 hours.

The internet services have also been suspended in 15 districts of Haryana on Friday in wake of a clash between the farmers protesting at Singhu border and allegedly with the local youths who wanted to get the areas vacated at the outskirt of Delhi border.    (uni) (media