Kanthi (Bengal), (Thestates.news) |Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday claimed that the PM Narendra Modi-led NDA has already secured 310 Lok Sabha seats after the fifth phase of Lok Sabha poll, while it targets 30 seats in Bengal.”Once you put the BJP on 30 seats at the end of 7th phase polling, the ruling Trinamool Congress will split in parts,” Shah said and alleged the safe haven for infiltrators has not only changed the demography of the state but also poses a threat to the country.
“When you gave 18 seats in 2019, PM Modi not only won in the court of law for Ram Temple but the consecration of the deity was done on January 22, and once you ensure 30 seats in Bengal, the ruling party will also face its doom,” Shah said and added the state has become a hotbed of corruption under the TMC governance.”Seeing the imminent defeat Mamata Didi is now resorting to attacking the Sadhu, Sant, ISKCON, Ramakrishna Mission and Bharat Sevashram Sangha,” Shah stated.
“If Swami Pranabananda, the founder of Bharat Sevashram, was not there, then this West Bengal would have been in Bangladesh now,” Shah said. He also said that the PoK was part of India and will invariably be taken back as the country had successfully done the surgical strike in Pakistan and eliminated the terrorists, who had attacked the Indian army.
“The hostility has come to such an extent that Mamata Didi’s police begins searching houses of Suvendu Adhikari which indicates a near end of democratic norms in Bengal,” the Union Minister said and added, “The more attacks on Suvendu by Mamata Didi, the more Suvendu will become famous in Bengal. “
Addressing an election rally in favour of BJP candidate Soumendu Adhikari, the younger brother of Suvendu, Shah lauded the eldest Adhikari for his contribution in the development of the entire area. “Suvendu defeated Mamata Didi from Nandigram in 2021 assembly poll and the TMC leader had to look for other assembly seat to be Chief Minister,” Shah pointed out and urged the voters to ensure 30 Lok Sabha seats this time so that she did not find any other way to clutch onto power.
Shah also assured, once the BJP formed the government in Bengal the lost glory will be restored.He said the TMC made the state a safe haven for infiltrators and provided voter cards, Aadhaar Cards and ration cards to outnumber the local people and for this the TMC opposed the CAA. (UNI)