
Power to Questions is the soul of democracy: Ajay Chandrakar

Raipur ( | In the first session of the second day of the two-day orientation program, the newly-elected MLAs of Chhattisgarh Assembly were made aware of the functions and proceedings of the Assembly and parliamentary procedures. During this session, MLA and former Minister Shri Ajay Chandrakar addressed the Question Hour as a guest speaker and provided detailed information about the importance of asking questions, types of questions, half hour discussion, topics etc.  In the second session of the program, former Assembly Speaker Dr. Prem Prakash Pandey elaborated on the budget, the process of making the budget, types of budgets and finalization.  On this occasion, Health Minister Shri Shyam Bihari Jaiswal, Finance Minister Shri O.P.  Chaudhary, Assembly Secretary Shri Dinesh Sharma were also present.

 Addressing the newly elected MLAs, Shri Ajay Chandrakar said that questions have great power.  This is the soul of democracy.  Through questions, MLAs can convey the feedback of public.  MLAs can utilize the time of Question Hour to have a powerful impact as public representative.  The Executive, Legislature and Cabinet are also collectively responsible for Question Hour.  Elaborating on the types of questions, starred, unstarred and short notice, he said that MLAs can ask a maximum of four questions in a day, for which they would have to give notice of the question 21 days in advance. MLAs were told that preparation is important for proper utilization of the Question Hour. Questions should reflect public aspirations and MLA’s readiness, dedication, originality and seriousness.  He urged the newly-elected MLAs to ask such questions in public interest.  He motivated the new MLAs to enter the Assembly with a student-like attitude and continue to learn and grow.