
Telangana CM pays tribute to forest martyrs on “Forest Martyrs Day”

Hyderabad, (|On the occasion of “Forest Martyrs Day” on Monday, Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao paid heartfelt tribute to all the martyrs who dedicated themselves to the mission of preserving our forests, serving as a remarkable source of inspiration to us all.In a message, the Chief Minister emphasised that envisioning a society without forests, the environment, and lush green cover is simply unreasonable.

Recognising the paramount significance of environmental preservation, the Telangana government initiated comprehensive action plans soon after the state’s formation. Today, we are witnessing the tangible results of the government’s unwavering commitment and decade-long perseverance.The state government’s ambitious “Haritha Haram” programme has yielded astounding results in restoring forests and enhancing green cover, with the wholehearted support of all segments of society.

Notably, Hyderabad, a city recently characterised by extensive construction activity, was honoured with the “World Green City Award 2022” by the International Association of Horticulture for its remarkable efforts in augmenting greenery.Our foremost mission is the conservation of nature, even amidst unprecedented development and rapid technological advancements. The repercussions of insufficient environmental protection measures are evident in global warming, underscoring our shared responsibility to safeguard the planet for both present and future generations.

The commendable efforts of the state Forest Department in this endeavour deserve special mention. Let us collectively work towards achieving our goal of achieving 33 percent green cover in Telangana state. It is equally essential to remember the sacrifice of the 22 officers and staff of the Forest Department who lost their lives while discharging their duties.

Once again, let us pay our heartfelt tributes to these martyrs who selflessly dedicated themselves to the cause of forest conservation. To keep their aspirations alive, it is imperative that we all wholeheartedly commit to the slogan “Jungle Bachao, Jungle Badao” (Save Forests, Expand Forests) with unwavering dedication. Let us collectively pledge to uphold this noble cause. (UNI)