
World leaders pay tribute to Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II

Prime Minister Narendra Modi says – she was the epitome of dignity and decency in public life

LONDON/ NEW DELHI/WASHINGTON,(| World leaders mourn the death of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II. Everyone has paid heartfelt tributes to her, describing her as a ‘heartfelt’ queen. British Prime Minister Liz Truss has expressed deep grief over the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. He said Britain was broken by the death of the Queen. The late Queen was ‘the rock on which modern Britain was built. Elizabeth II appointed Truss as prime minister 48 hours before his death. Truss said- ‘We are all broken by the news of the Queen’s demise. This is a big blow to the country and the world.

The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi paid a heartfelt tribute to Queen Elizabeth II of Britain. He said that Queen Elizabeth II was a tall figure. He provided inspirational leadership to his country and people. Referring to his memorable meetings with the Queen in 2015 and 2018, Prime Minister Modi said Queen Elizabeth II was the epitome of dignity and decency in public life. I can never forget her warmth and generosity, the Prime Minister said. Am. During one of the visits, he showed me the handkerchief that Mahatma Gandhi had presented to him on the occasion of his marriage. I have always liked his behavior.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will always be remembered as one of the stalwarts of our times, he said. She was the epitome of dignity and decency in public life. I am saddened by his death. My thoughts are with his family and the people of Britain in this hour of grief. US President Joe Biden has recalled his first meeting with the Queen in 1982 and hosting the Queen during her visit to Britain in 2021. Biden said- ‘He impressed us with his wit. She stood in solidarity with America during our worst times since 9/11.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was saddened by the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. He expressed his condolences to the Queen’s family, the Government of Britain and the public. He said- ‘Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s oldest and longest reigning country, is known around the world for her kindness, dignity and dedication. Their presence can be seen for decades, whether it is the end of colonial rule in Africa and Asia or the development of Commonwealth countries.

French President Emmanuel Macron said that the Queen was a ‘compassionate ruler’ and a ‘friend of France’. Macron said- ‘Queen Elizabeth II maintained the continuity and unity of the British nation for more than 70 years. I remember her as a friend of France, a kind queen who has left an indelible mark on her country and her century.’ German Chancellor Olaf Scholz described the Queen as a role model and a source of inspiration to millions. He praised her role in improving relations between Britain and Germany after the tragedy of World War II. He said that not only him but his habit of laughing will also be remembered.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Queen Elizabeth II was one of his favorite people in the world. His service to the Canadian people will always be an important part of our nation’s history. I will miss him dearly. UN General Assembly President Abdullah Shahid said the Queen’s resolute leadership in difficult times has become a force for stability and strength to face difficulties for people around the world.(H.S)